Steve Sack
January 14

Sack cartoon: Trump's big day

Steve Sack
January 13

Sack cartoon: Trump and 'fake news'

Steve Sack
January 12

Sack cartoon: Jeff Sessions

Steve Sack
January 11

Sack cartoon: Donald Trump's personal info

Steve Sack
January 10

Sack cartoon: Oval Office mantra

Steve Sack
January 7

Sack cartoon: The future of health care

Steve Sack
January 6

Sack cartoon: The game is afoot

Steve Sack
January 4

Sack cartoon: Tracy Claeys firing

Steve Sack
January 3

Sack cartoon: House Republicans' 2017 start

Steve Sack
December 25, 2016

The best of Steve Sack, 2016

Five times most weeks, editorial cartoonist Steve Sack — a Pulitzer Prize winner in 2013 and a finalist in 2016 — begins his workday with a blank document on his iPad. Fortunately, he has a world full of news and his own inimitable imagination to draw upon. Here are a few highlights.
Steve Sack
December 17, 2016

Sack cartoon: Trump's Cabinet

Steve Sack
December 15, 2016

Sack cartoon: Assad's Syria

Steve Sack
December 14, 2016

Sack cartoon: Vladimir's ballet

Steve Sack
December 13, 2016

Sack cartoon: The onion domes of Washington, D.C.

Steve Sack
December 11, 2016

Sack cartoon: Person of the year

Steve Sack
December 8, 2016

Sack cartoon: Trump to Air Force One …

Steve Sack
December 7, 2016

Sack cartoon: Kellogg's, Breitbart

Steve Sack
December 7, 2016

Sack cartoon: Standing Rock under Trump

Steve Sack
December 3, 2016

Sack cartoon: State Capitol art

Steve Sack
December 2, 2016

Sack cartoon: Great Barrier Reef

About Opinion
The Opinion section is produced by the Editorial Department to foster discussion about key issues. The Editorial Board represents the institutional voice of the Star Tribune and operates independently of the newsroom.