Civil Rights Division

Our Mission

The Civil Rights Division (CRD) advises, represents, and assists Reclamation on civil rights, diversity, and equal opportunity matters that ensure:

  • the elimination of unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, and disability in Federally conducted and Federally assisted programs;
  • that all beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of these programs, including employees and potential employees, are offered equal opportunities to participate in these programs; and
  • a positive working environment exists throughout Reclamation by valuing, using, and managing the differences that individuals bring to the workplace.

About Us

CRD Org Chart

Reclamation Org Chart

What We Do

Civil Rights Compliance Activities

Public Civil Rights Compliance Activities

Hot Topics

Secretary's Message on Anti-Discrimination

Commissioner's Message on Anti-Discrimination

What Does Civil Rights Mean in the 21st Century?

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Civil Rights Obligations Notice & DOJ Assistance

DOJ Strengthens Enforcement of CRA Title VI

ADA Amendments Town Hall Meetings

Secretary Salazar Inclusive Workplace Strategy

Memorandum from Assistant Secretary for Water and Science

Contact Us

Denver Federal Center
6th and Kipling
Building 67, 84-23000
Denver, Colorado 80225
(303) 445-3680 Voice
(888) 808-5108 Voice Toll-Free
(303) 445-6385 Fax

Individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf/blind or have speech disabilities may utilize the following Federal Relay Service numbers: 
(800) 877-8339 Federal Relay Service
(877) 877-6280 VCO
(877) 877-8982 Speech to Speech
(800) 845-6136 Spanish
(866) 893-8340 TeleBraille


Last Updated: 7/23/15