National Association of the Deaf

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The NAD is the nation's premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America.

Deaf Citizen Sues Oklahoma Legislature

Mon, 31 Oct 2016

Oklahoma City, OK – Johnny Reininger, Jr., a deaf Oklahoman filed suit today against the State of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Senate and House of Representatives for the failure of the Oklahoma legislature to caption hearings and other proceedings streamed online.

Fall Board Meeting Recap

Fri, 28 Oct 2016

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In her monthly video update, NAD President Melissa Draganac-Hawk discusses about the Board's first meeting in D.C. and Maryland, the five priorities, three new appointed board members, and where and when the next board meeting will take place. Enjoy the photos of the Fall Board meeting here!

Emergency Management Creates New Position Statement

Wed, 26 Oct 2016

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The NAD Emergency Management expert group developed a position statement on emergency management. The goal of the statement was to give our state chapters and associations as well as other member organizations key information they can use in advocating for greater access for the challenges noted. Emergency Management Expert Group Chair Neil McDevitt explains their position statement available online.

Deaf Movie Fan Sues Pittsburgh Movie Theater

Fri, 21 Oct 2016

Pittsburgh, PA – Kenneth DeHaan, a deaf movie fan from Pittsburgh, filed suit today against Cleveland Cinemas, LLC and Soffer Organization for refusing to provide captioning for deaf individuals at the SouthSide Works cinema in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. DeHaan made multiple requests that the Southside Works theater, the theater closest to his home, come into compliance with federal law and provide full and equal access for movie buffs who are deaf.

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Submitted by admin—Mon, 07 Nov 2016

Olamide Adetunji was born in Lagos, Nigeria and moved to the United States to continue her education. She is currently a second year law student at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. She attended Howard University as an undergrad, where she majored in Political Science and Psychology.  Olamide loves podcasts, so whatever free time she gets from law school, she finds new podcasts!

Submitted by admin—Fri, 28 Oct 2016

Chicago, IL – The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and two deaf individuals filed a lawsuit today against TD Ameritrade for refusing to provide captioning to make the audio content of their website accessible to deaf individuals.  The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Submitted by admin—Mon, 24 Oct 2016

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Who was one of the pioneers of Deaf people? Learn about Edmund Booth! If you're reading this from your mobile, watch the video here.

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National Association of the Deaf | 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 820, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3819