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Submit Your Ideas for the NY Energy Data Jam

June 19, 2013 - 11:03am


What idea would you present at the Data Jam?
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Applications powered by open energy data were on display at the Energy Datapalooza in June 2012. | Photo by Sarah Gerrity, Energy Department.

Applications powered by open energy data were on display at the Energy Datapalooza in June 2012. | Photo by Sarah Gerrity, Energy Department.

From managing the electrical grid to locating alternative fuel stations to helping homeowners save money and the environment, data is critical to addressing the major energy issues of our day.

The Energy Data Jam is back! This time, it is part of New York’s Energy Week. Thought leaders will be coming together at Google’s headquarters in Manhattan to brainstorm strategies for leveraging energy data to help address challenges across the country.

We want your ideas for the next killer app or breakthrough product that uses open data to change the way we consume energy. From ideas presented online and in person, participants will vote on the best ideas to develop and implement over the next 90 days.

Even if you cannot attend in person, we still want you to participate. Help us by starting the conversation. Use the Join the Conversation button at the top of the page or email us at and tell us your idea.

We will share your ideas and thoughts with the conference participants. Your idea could help jump start the next great energy invention!

Stay tuned to in the days ahead for video from the event as well as updates on the top ideas that come out of the Data Jam.

The New York Energy Jam is a continuation of work that was started with Energy Datapalooza in June 2012 and is the fourth and final Energy Data Jam of the year. The results and ideas that come out of this meeting will be presented at the next Datapalooza.


What idea would you present at the Data Jam?
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