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Research & Development Projects

Research & Development Projects

AMO's R&D projects explore novel energy-efficient, next-generation materials and innovative process technologies for both specific industry sectors and a wider range of manufacturing industries. AMO's R&D projects also pursue foundational or advanced energy technologies for multiple industry sectors. All of AMO's R&D investments have high impact, use project diversity to spread risk, target nationally important innovations at critical decision points, and contribute to quantifiable energy savings.

Project investments are competitively selected and cost-shared to leverage strong Federal support of basic research, with the private sector resources devoted to accelerate commercialization. On the 'innovation' or technology maturity continuum from concept through product commercialization, AMO projects fill the gap between lab-scale development and demonstration and scale-up.

Next Generation Electric Machines

This RD&D effort will leverage recent technology advancements in power electronics and motors to develop a new generation of energy efficient, high power density, high speed integrated MV drive systems for a wide variety of critical energy applications.

Innovative Process and Materials Technologies

These cost-shared projects are selected through a competitive process from exceptional research teams working on foundational process and materials technologies.

Next Generation Manufacturing Processes

New manufacturing processes, simulation tools, and technologies are pursued in four key areas to lower the energy intensity of manufacturing.

Next Generation Materials

Innovative materials can open new design spaces for high-performance and renewable energy technology manufacturing. Projects focus on three areas with clear energy, carbon, and economic benefits.

Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Develop, test, and validate advanced CHP and distributed energy systems to pave the way for accelerated deployment in manufacturing and other applications.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

SBIR awards support small businesses to advance scientific discoveries and develop and commercialize manufacturing solutions.