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The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy plays a key role in helping the United States meet its continually growing need for secure, reasonably priced and environmentally sound fossil energy supplies. Put simply, FE’s primary mission is to ensure the nation can continue to rely on traditional resources for clean, secure and affordable energy while enhancing environmental protection.

Realizing the Promise of Clean Coal

For the first time in the long history of fossil fuel use, we now see emerging from our laboratories and test sites the tools and technologies that can turn the concept of a virtually zero-emission—including carbon dioxide (CO2)—coal-based energy plant into a viable reality, not 50 or 100 years into the future, but within the coming decade.

Maintaining Emergency Petroleum Reserves

In the event of a disruption in commercial fuel supplies, the United States can turn to two emergency stockpiles of petroleum maintained by the Office of Fossil Energy: the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve

Responsible Development of America's Oil and Gas Resources

The Office of Fossil Energy's oil and natural research is focused on developing advanced technologies to improve the safety and environmental performance of detecting and producing natural gas from the abundant domestic non-conventional gas resources.

Executing Natural Gas Regulatory Responsibilities

The Office of Fossil Energy regulates natural gas and LNG imports and exports under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act of 1938.