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New Email Alerts and RSS Feeds on Congress.gov

Last year’s most viewed new post on In Custodia Legis was Legislation Email Alerts on Congress.gov.  The email alerts are an excellent addition to the system that allow you to track a specific piece of legislation, what a Member of Congress is sponsoring and cosponsoring, and when the next issue of the Congressional Record is available.

Building on those email alerts, there is now an additional set of email alerts and the first RSS feeds that you can subscribe to from Congress.gov.thomas-retire-promo

  1. Most-Viewed Bills (email | RSS)
  2. Search Tips (email | RSS)
  3. Bills Presented to the President (email | RSS)
  4. On the House Floor Today (email | RSS)
  5. On the Senate Floor Today (email | RSS)
  6. In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress (email | RSS)
RSS and Email Alerts

RSS and Email Alerts

The “Most-Viewed Bills” is a popular feature on the Congress.gov homepage. It’s a quick way to see the legislation people are viewing in a given week. Congress.gov is a large and growing system. With new releases issued roughly every quarter, subscribing to our “Search Tips” feed will help keep you up to date with new ways to search the system. What is Congress sending the president? Sign up for “Bills Presented to the President” to see what crosses the desk in the Oval Office. Find out what the House and Senate are discussing with the “On the House Floor Today” and “On the Senate Floor Today” alerts.

Hopefully, you are already subscribed to In Custodia Legis. Twice recognized as one of the top 100 legal blogs by the ABA Journal, the Law Library of Congress publishes something new to In Custodia Legis on most business days.

This is one more step in our goal to retire THOMAS on July 5! Stay tuned as we expand the ways to stay connected with Congress through Congress.gov.


  1. Johnny
    May 29, 2016 at 5:39 am

    A good source of informative news on pending bills n laws.

  2. D’Carlo DeLuca
    July 31, 2016 at 2:08 pm

    Like up to date issues/current affairs

  3. Michael Edward Reif
    August 14, 2016 at 10:58 am

    I enjoy researching the Law on Congress.gov and appreciate everyone that has made it possible for me to do so. Thanks. Oh yeah, I hope Thomas enjoys retirement and stays in touch with us.

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