Read, understand, and comment on new proposed regulations.

EPA is soliciting comment on the following:

Comment period not yet open.
Rule not yet published.
Hazardous Waste Management System; User Fees for the Electronic Hazardous Waste Manifest System and Amendments to Manifest Regulations
Even as an individual, you can substantially change a regulation by writing a helpful comment on a proposed rule.

Read and write with ease

  • Read proposed changes in context

    See the proposed changes highlighted in comparison to the current regulation at a glance.

  • Write responses to individual sections

    Respond to sections of the rule, then submit all your responses together as one neatly-organized comment.

  • Help agencies sort & analyze your comment

    When you submit your comment, the agency will see which sections you responded to. This helps the agency sort and analyze your comments.

Build a good comment:

  • Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives and substitute language for your requested changes.
  • Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns.
  • Base your comments on sound reasoning, scientific evidence, and/or how you will be impacted by the proposal.
  • Address trade-offs and opposing views.
  • Identify your relevant credentials and experience.
  • You don't have to comment on everything - you can select those issues that concern and affect you the most and/or you understand the best.
Want more tips?

About this tool

This eRegulations tool was developed by 18F (part of the General Services Administration ) in partnership with EPA.

Learn more about the eRegulations platform at