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Under the (Heat) Dome: Staying Cool and Efficient on the Hottest Days

July 21, 2016 - 10:47pm


Prepare to keep yourself--and your pets--cool, healthy, and comfortable during extreme heat. | FEMA News Photo

Prepare to keep yourself--and your pets--cool, healthy, and comfortable during extreme heat. | FEMA News Photo

We've been talking home cooling on Facebook and Twitter this week, and this topic is even more timely as dangerous heat envelops much of the United States. Many states are under Excessive Heat Warnings and Heat Advisories as a "heat dome" forms over the central part of the country. Extreme heat can be dangerous, and we hope you're preparing yourself to be safe, healthy, and comfortable. and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have some great tips for preparing for the heat, staying safe and healthy, and understanding heat-related illnesses. Many of the tips for preparing for the heat are the same as those we share here on Energy Saver—they can improve the efficiency and comfort of your home AND help keep you safe and healthy during a heat wave.

Visit and the CDC for more on staying healthy in the heat, and see our tips below for preparing your home to be comfortable and efficient during the heat wave:

Check on neighbors, friends, and family to ensure they are staying cool, especially if they don't have home cooling systems or spend a lot of time alone. Also be sure your pets are cool and have plenty of water. Stay safe, take care of yourselves, and take care of each other—cooler days are ahead!
