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Colorado River Interim Guidelines for
Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations
for Lakes Powell and Mead

Final Environmental Impact Statement
November 2007

Note: All files are formatted as PDF files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
To navigate to specific volumes of links, click on the index below.

Volume I
Final EIS
Volume II
Appendices A through L
Volume III
Appendices M through U
Volume IV
Responses to Comments

Document Section File Size
VOLUME I - Cover/Table of Contents 198 KB
     Executive Summary 326 KB
     Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need 512 KB
     Chapter 2 - Description of Alternatives 219 KB
     Chapter 3 - Affected Environment 2.0 MB
     Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences 3.5 MB
     Chapter 5 - Other Considerations & Cumulative Impacts 87 KB
     Chapter 6 - Consultation and Coordination 117 KB
     Index, References, Acronyms, Glossary, Preparers, and Distribution 297 KB
VOLUME II - Appendices A thru L - Cover/Table of Contents 137 KB
     Appendix A - CRSS Model Documentation 210 KB
     Appendix B - Colorado River System Facilities & Current River System Operations from Lake Powell to SIB 418 KB
     Appendix C - Upper Basin States Depletion Schedules 15 KB
     Appendix D - Lower Division States Depletion Schedules 169 KB
     Appendix E - Colorado River Water Entitlements and Priority Systems within Arizona, California, and Nevada 101KB
     Appendix F - Water Quality Modeling Documentation 262 KB
     Appendix G - Shortage Allocation Model Documentation 608 KB
     Appendix H - Socioeconomics Data 282 KB
     Appendix I - Public Outreach, Coordination and Consultation Efforts 2.9 MB
     Appendix J - Seven Basin States' Proposals Regarding Colorado River Interim Operations 3.4 MB
     Appendix K - “Conservation Before Shortage II” Proposal 1.7 MB
     Appendix L - Federal Register Notices 869 KB
VOLUME III - Appendices M thru U - Cover/Table of Contents 132 KB
     Appendix M - Modeling Assumptions: Lake Mead Storage & Delivery of Conserved System & Non-System Water 92 KB
     Appendix N - Analysis of Hydrologic Variability Sensitivity 830 KB
     Appendix O - Analysis of Power & Energy Impacts to Glen Canyon Dam, Shortage Criteria EIS 204 KB
     Appendix P - Additional CRSS Modeling Output 5.1 MB
     Appendix Q - Modeling Assumptions with Regard to Future Water Deliveries to Mexico Sensitivity Analysis 116 KB
     Appendix R - Biological Assessment 2.6 MB
     Appendix S - Draft Interim Guidelines for the Operation of Lake Powell and Lake Mead 94 KB
     Appendix T - NRC Executive Summary 681 KB
     Appendix U - Climate Technical Work Group Report 2.2 MB
VOLUME IV - Responses to Comments - Cover/Table of Contents 132 KB
     Introduction 41 KB
     Comments Submitted by Business Groups 137 KB
     Comments Submitted by Federal Agencies 5.2 MB
     Comments Submitted by Special Interest and Non-Governmental Organization Groups 6.7 MB
     Comments Submitted by Individuals 2.2 MB
     Comments Submitted by Indian Tribes 6.3 MB
     Comments Submitted by Local Agencies
          Part 1 -- Index and L1 thru L9
          Part 2 -- L10 thru L19

5.3 MB
6.5 MB
     Comments Submitted by Public Comment 704 KB
     Comments Submitted by State Agencies
          Part 1 -- Index and S1 thru S3
          Part 2 -- S4
          Part 3 -- S5 thru S9

3.3 MB
5.4 MB
5.0 MB
     Public Hearing Transcripts 1.8 MB

Webmaster: sha-lcr-webcomments@usbr.gov
Updated: November 2007