Nonemployer Statistics

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Nonemployer Statistics

Nonemployer Statistics is an annual series that provides subnational economic data for businesses that have no paid employees and are subject to federal income tax. The data consist of the number of businesses and total receipts by industry. Most nonemployers are self-employed individuals operating unincorporated businesses (known as sole proprietorships), which may or may not be the owner's principal source of income.

The majority of all business establishments in the United States are nonemployers, yet these firms average less than 4 percent of all sales and receipts nationally. Due to their small economic impact, these firms are excluded from most other Census Bureau business statistics (the primary exception being the Survey of Business Owners). The Nonemployers Statistics series is the primary resource available to study the scope and activities of nonemployers at a detailed geographic level. For complementary statistics on the firms that do have paid employees, refer to the County Business Patterns. Additional sources of data on small businesses include the Economic Census, and the Statistics of U.S. Businesses.

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U.S., States, and Counties (2002-2014)
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Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas 1 (2002-2014)
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1 Metropolitan statistical areas have an urban core with 50,000 or more inhabitants. Micropolitan statistical areas have an urban core with 10,000 to 49,999 inhabitants. See definitions or maps for metropolitan and micropolitan areas. These definitions and maps are updated for Nonemployer data every five years to correspond with the schedule of the Economic Census. An update occurred with the 2012 data release.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Nonemployer Statistics | (301) 763-2580 |  Last Revised: January 05, 2017