Analysis & Projections

Find data from forecast models on crude oil and petroleum liquids, gasoline, diesel, natural gas, electricity, coal prices, supply, and demand projections and more.

Monthly short-term forecasts through the next calender year
Short-Term Energy Outlook Released: the first Tuesday following the first Thursday of each month.  

WF01. Average consumer prices and expenditures for heating fuels during the winter

1. U.S. energy market summary
2. U.S. energy prices
3a. International crude oil and liquid fuels supply, consumption, and inventories PDF
3b. Non-OPEC crude oil and liquid fuels supply PDF
3c. OPEC crude oil and liquid fuels supply PDF
3d. World liquid fuels consumption PDF
4a. U.S. crude oil and liquid fuels supply, consumption, and inventories PDF
4b. U.S. petroleum refinery balance PDF
4c. U.S. regional motor gasoline prices and inventories PDF
5a. U.S. natural gas supply, consumption, and inventories PDF
5b. U.S. regional natural gas prices PDF
6.   U.S. coal supply, consumption, and inventories PDF
7a. U.S. electricity overview PDF
7b. U.S. regional electricity retail sales PDF
7c. U.S. regional electricity prices PDF
7d. U.S. electricity generation by fuel and sector PDF
7e. U.S. fuel consumption for electricity generation by sector PDF
8. U.S. renewable energy supply and consumption PDF
9a. U.S. macroeconomic indicators and CO2 emissions PDF
9b. U.S. regional macroeconomic data PDF
9c. U.S. regional weather data PDF
International petroleum supply, disposition
Query tool for detailed country and regional energy data (monthly, annual)
Annual projections to 2040
Annual Energy Outlook 2016 (released: May 17, 2016) -- Reference case main 21 tables
See complete table listing for reference case and side cases.
A1. Total energy supply and disposition demand
A2. Energy consumption by sector and source
A3. Energy prices by sector and source XLS
A4. Residential sector key indicators and consumption XLS
A5. Commercial sector key indicators and consumption XLS
A6. Industrial sector key indicators and consumption XLS
A7. Transportation sector key indicators and delivered energy consumption XLS
A8. Electricity supply Disposition, prices, and emissions XLS
A9. Electricity generating capacity XLS
A10. Electricity trade XLS
A11. Liquid fuels supply and disposition balance XLS
A12. Petroleum product prices XLS
A13. Natural gas supply, disposition, and prices XLS
A14. Oil and gas supply XLS
A15. Coal supply, disposition, and price XLS
A16. Renewable energy generating capacity and generation XLS
A17. Renewable energy consumption by sector and source XLS
A18. Carbon dioxide emissions by sector and source XLS
A19. Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by end-use XLS
A20. Macroeconomic indicators XLS
A21. International liquids supply disposition summary XLS
International projections to 2040
International Energy Outlook -- Reference Case tables released: May 11, 2016 PDF (all tables)
A1.  World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in purchasing power parity PDF
A2. World liquids consumption by region
A3. World petroleum and other liquids consumption by region and end-use sector PDF
A4.World petroleum and other liquids production by region and country PDF
A5.World crude and lease condensate production by region and country PDF
A6. World other liquid fuels production by region and country PDF


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STEO — 18-month forecast ›
AEO — projections to 2040 ›
IEO — international projections ›