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Public Works

GIS links public works, staff, and citizens together. Coordinate work in the field, plan operations, and prepare for problems in advance. Whether you’re routing fleets, maintaining critical infrastructure, or creating budget reports, GIS helps you efficiently and transparently manage infrastructure.


Memphis Public Works shaves response times.

The Memphis Public Worksdepartmentreceivesroughly 400 requests a day to address everything from potholes to skippedtrash pickups. To coordinate resources, the Memphis empowered itsentire chain of command with GIS for betteraccesstoinformation.

Maintain infrastructure

Track the conditions of roads and bridges to maintain progress and share results.

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Control vector-borne disease

Access apps that, through reporting, analysis, and coordination, cap the spread of disease.

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Manage solid waste

Intelligent mapping and analytics reduce wastefulness in waste collection and disposal.

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Prepare for inclement weather

Whether rain, snow, or weather-related disaster, have a plan before the storm arrives.

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ArcGIS Solutions

Maximize Capital Investments

A collection of solutions used to define capital projects, coordinate project schedules, track project performance, and share project status with key stakeholders and the public.

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Engage Public

A collection of solutions used to locate parks, obtain information about public works services, and submit requests for service.

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Manage Mosquito Populations

A collection of solutions used to manage mosquito populations and the spread of vector-borne diseases. 

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Esri Case Study: Pinellas County, Florida

Managing Winter Maintenance with GIS

Public Works Webinar Series


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