GICD Official Kick-off Event in the News

Governors Get on Board With Smart Growth

Streetsblog — August 2, 2012
The Governors’ Institute on Community Design isn’t a brand new undertaking — it’s been around since 2005 — but it’s just gotten some high-profile support which could catapult it to a different level. Yesterday, a bipartisan group of six governors and ex-governors celebrated the new support of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities – the collaboration of HUD, DOT, and EPA — for the Governors’ Institute. This kind of collaborative work, among federal agencies and with the states, is “common sense writ large,” said U.S. DOT Deputy Secretary John Porcari at the event.


Perdue to next governor: you have to make tough decisions

The News & Observer (NC) — August 1, 2012
Perdue was in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday with a long list of governors and former governors to discuss the infrastructure challenges facing state leaders during tough economic times. The event was organized by the Governors’ Institute, which provides technical guidance to governors on, among other needs, housing, transportation and the environment. “If you’re going to get things done and focus on the future and continue to invest in the future, you have to make tough decisions, and you can’t stick your finger in the wind and decide which way the public is going,” said Perdue.


Livability Funding for Governors’ Institute on Community Design will improve transportation options across America

Fast Lane (Official U.S. DOT blog) — August 1, 2012
At DOT, we are constantly looking for innovative partnerships to help solve our transportation challenges. Through our work in the Partnership for Sustainable Communities with the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, we’ve helped communities boost economic development at the local level by thinking comprehensively about transportation, housing, and environmental needs. Good community planning requires a unified and collaborative approach. That’s why DOT is proud to join HUD and EPA in supporting the Governors’ Institute on Community Design in a new effort to help states grow their economies and make better use of taxpayer dollars.

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