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  • Sanjiv Speaks during Keynote -- CEIC Director and LINKS participants at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (credit DOE).
    US DOE’s Clean Energy Investment Center – A Year in Review

    December 21, 2016 1:43 PM

    On December 16, 2016 the Department of Energy’s Clean Energy Investment Center (CEIC) hosted its year-end Laboratory-Investor Knowledge Series (LINKS) in Menlo Park, California at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC). Nearly 40 participants representing the investment community (including venture capital firms and philanthropic organizations), the Department of Energy (DOE), and the White House were in attendance to highlight the anticipated release of the Laboratory Partnering Service (LPS) in January 2017, a new tool to facilitate access to and enable partnerships with the DOE National Laboratories.

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  • Helping National Lab Innovators Create 21st Century Solutions

    December 19, 2016 10:21 AM

    To fully maximize the capabilities of the labs, it’s critical that we are accelerating the transfer of more research from the lab bench to the marketplace. It’s crucial that lab researchers have a deep understanding of market needs, allowing them to evaluate the commercial potential of their innovative technologies. That’s why the Energy Department’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has launched the DOE Lab-Corps program, which pairs national lab scientists with industry mentors from across the energy and high-tech sector in a seven-week entrepreneurial training.

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