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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement is one of the three foundational pillars of the Office of Technology Transitions (OTT). The office engages with DOE laboratories, site offices, program offices, and stakeholders to promote rapid technology transfer to U.S. commercial sectors. OTT collaborates with numerous internal and external audiences to achieve its mission of expanding the commercial impact of DOE’s research and development portfolio.

Internally, the office works with employees at DOE’s national labs, site offices, and program offices to identify the day’s key issues and develop policies that address those areas and advance the Department’s technology transfer mission. The Technology Transfer Working Group is one of the important groups that assists the office and provides a valuable forum of experienced tech transfer professionals that exchange information about best practices and areas for improvement. It is comprised of federal and contractor personnel from across the DOE complex. At the headquarters level, the office works with the Technology Transfer Policy Board, which includes representation from DOE’s program offices that fund and oversee the important research happening nationwide. Finally, the office works with the National Laboratory Tech Transfer Working Group and the Laboratory Policy Council for insight and perspective about the key issues and priorities at the national laboratories.

Externally, the office conducts stakeholder roundtables, workshops, and other meetings in Washington, DC, as well as across the country. Communication and relationships with universities, investors, and companies is crucial to OTT’s mission. The office works to engage the private sector more by developing programs and activities that can help break down barriers surrounding DOE’s labs and resources. Additionally, OTT encourages regional economic development by holding workshops and engaging and connecting laboratory leaders to state and regional organizations.