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Farm Energy Efficiency

Conservation Practices Contribute to Energy Efficiency and Fuel Savings

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Farmers and ranchers can cut input costs, maintain production, protect soil and water resources, reduce the nation's dependence on fossil fuels, and save money by using the conservation practices described on this web site. Check with your local NRCS office to find out about your area's options.

USDA will continue to support conservation practices that save producers money and improve the environmental health of the nation.

As we become more informed and focused on the need to conserve, and use energy in a more productive way, see just a few of the techniques and practices NRCS customers and partners are using. Read the Energy Success Stories.

Energy EstimatorConservation Energy Estimators

To make energy-efficient conservation practice decisions, use NRCS Energy Estimator Tools.

Energy Estimator: Animal Housing Energy Estimator: Irrigation

Energy Estimator: Nitrogen
Energy Estimator: Tillage

Conservation Practices that Save - Features Articles

Energy Conservation in Confined Animal Operations

Prescribed Grazing Systems


Integrated Pest Management

Precision Agriculture

Irrigation Water Management

Nutrient Management

Crop Residue Management

It All Adds Up to Significant Energy Savings