NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Salmon Recovery Planning

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The Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires us to develop and implement recovery plans for conservation and survival of listed species. Recovery plans must describe specific management actions; establish objective, measurable criteria for delisting; and estimate the time and cost to carry out measures needed to achieve recovery.

Recovery is the process by which listed species and their ecosystems are restored and their future secured to the point that protection under the ESA is no longer needed. We believe that recovery must be grounded in existing conservation efforts under way throughout the region. We've established a recovery-planning process to maximize local involvement and capitalize on ongoing efforts. As a result, we're linking our recovery planning processes to on-going regional and local salmon conservation and planning efforts.

We've developed a strategy for recovery planning in the four states of Washington, Idaho, Oregon and California that combines ESA-listed salmon and steelhead distinct population segments into geographic areas. We've identified our four recovery planning areas, or recovery domains, and have established technical recovery teams of scientists for each domain. Recovery plans in each domain will address all salmon species within that geographic area, and will involve stakeholders on a more local level. We're crafting recovery planning and implementation processes that are uniquely suited to each recovery domain to engender local buy-in.


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Page last updated: February 13, 2013
