James Mattis and John Kelly are seen as potential contenders for a cabinet position.

The opening relations occurred under a U.S. president who wasn’t born when Fidel Castro led the revolution.

The service member was killed by a roadside bomb.

Joint Special Operations Command's 'Counter-External Operations Task Force' will hunt terrorist networks.

The president-elect has received two classified briefings — fewer than most of his predecessors.

The South Carolina governor is a foreign policy neophyte but a polished political operator.

Retired four-stars may end up challenging him on waterboarding and the laws of war.

Four graves are marked "Unknown U.S. Sailor — January 3, 1944." That's the same date the Navy destroyer USS Turner exploded, killing 136 sailors.

Prosecutors typically operate without White House interference.

The administration is racing to finish ruling on clemency petitions before the end of the president’s term.

The group has used chemical weapons 19 times around Mosul since 2014.

Video all but rules out the possibility of an accident in the Nov. 4 incident, but a motive is unclear.

The new Pentagon policy, the first in U.S. government, is aimed at boosting network security.

Congress allowed Gen. George Marshall to become defense secretary. Will it allow Mattis?

The former New York mayor’s security consulting business could create conflicts if he’s chosen as secretary of state.

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