Overseas Hazardous Waste Facility Operators

Overseas Hazardous Waste Facility Operators

Use the information under Course Offerings to fill out the registration form.

Course Registration

Course Offerings

Offering No. CDP CIN N74 ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING COURSES Start Date End Date Location
17010 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 6-Feb-17 9-Feb-17 Okinawa, Japan
17020 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 13-Feb-17 16-Feb-17 Yokosuka, Japan
17030 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 27-Feb-17 2-Mar-17 Rota, Spain
17040 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 6-Mar-17 9-Mar-17 Naples, Italy
17050 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 6-Mar-17 9-Mar-17 Japan
17060 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 13-Mar-17 16-Mar-17 Sigonella, Italy
17070 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 13-Mar-17 16-Mar-17 Japan
17080 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 20-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 Souda Bay, GR
17090 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 20-Mar-17 23-Mar-17 Sasebo, Japan
17100 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 27-Mar-17 30-Mar-17 Iwakuni, Japan
17110 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 3-Apr-17 6-Apr-17 Astugi, Japan
17120 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 7-Aug-17 10-Aug-17 Diego Garcia
17130 640E A-493-0093 Overseas HW Facility Operations 14-Aug-17 17-Aug-17 Singapore

Course Description

This 32-hour course provides ashore Navy military and civilian personnel who generate, handle, or manage hazardous waste with the knowledge and skills to conduct their duties safely.

Eligible Personnel

Personnel (military or civilian) who manage, generate, store or dispose of hazardous waste overseas.

Quota Control

Quota approval should be requested from the Commanding Officer, Naval School, Civil Engineer Corps Officers, 3502 Goodspeed Street, Suite 1, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4336.