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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)

Final Environmental Impact Statement on High Plains Expansion Project (Docket No. CP07-207-000)
Issued: December 28, 2007

FERC staff prepared a final environmental impact statement for Colorado Interstate Gas Company's (CIG) High Plains Expansion Project. The project includes expansion of CIG's existing pipeline system by the construction and operation of about 163.7 miles of 24- and 30-inch-diameter pipeline, in four separate pipeline segments, and associated aboveground facilities in Weld, Adams, and Morgan Counties, Colorado.

FERC's environmental staff concludes that the High Plains Expansion Project with appropriate mitigating measures, as recommended, would have limited adverse environmental impact.

Staff concludes the project would be environmentally acceptable action (with appropriate mitigation) because:

    • The proposed project would be collocated with existing utility rights-of-way for about 83.6 miles, or about 51 percent of the proposed route;

    • CIG would implement the project-specific CIG Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan, CIG Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures, Best Management Practices (for waterbody crossings), Waste and Spill Management Specification, Hydrostatic Test Plan, Reclamation Plan, and Invasive Species Plan which would minimize and mitigate impacts to resources during construction and operation of the proposed Project;

    • The appropriate consultations with the USFWS, state historic preservation officer, other affected land management agencies, Native American tribes, and any appropriate compliance actions resulting from these consultations would be completed before CIG would be allowed to begin construction in any given area; and

    • CIG would implement an environmental inspection and monitoring program that would ensure compliance with all proposed and recommended mitigation measures.

    The FERC Commissioners will take into consideration staff's recommendations and the final EIS when they make decisions on the Project.