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Download the National Soil Survey Handbook (NSSH)

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Entire National Soil Survey Handbook


These changes have been made in the current version of the Handbook and are listed in the “Revisions” section.

National Soil Survey Handbook Parts

Note: Unlisted Parts are Reserved

Preface (DOC; 41 KB) -- 2016

Contents  (DOC; 41 KB) -- 2016

Parts 600 to 604 – General

Part 600 – Introduction (DOC; 49 KB) -- 2014

Part 601 – National Cooperative Soil Survey Organization (DOC; 67 KB) -- 2014

Part 602 – National Cooperative Soil Survey Conferences (DOC; 264 KB) -- 2013

Parts 605 to 612 – Operations And Management

Part 606 – Working Agreements (DOC; 158 KB) -- 2013

Part 607 – Initial Soil Survey Preparation (DOC; 149 KB) -- 2013

Part 608 – Program Management (DOC; 463 KB) -- 2014

Part 609 – Quality Control, Quality Assurance, and Soil Correlation (DOC; 434 KB) -- 2013

Part 610 – Updating Soil Surveys (DOC; 184 KB) -- 2014

Parts 613 to 616 – Soil Classification

Part 614 – Applying Soil Taxonomy (DOC; 851 KB) -- 2014

Part 615 – Amendments to Soil Taxonomy

Parts 617 to 625 – Soil Interpretations

Part 617 – Soil Survey Interpretations (DOC; 220 KB) -- 2014

Part 618 – Soil Properties and Qualities (DOC; 1.82 MB) -- 2013

Part 621 – Soil Potential Ratings (DOC; 84 KB) -- 1996

Part 622 – Interpretative Groups (DOC; 321 KB) -- 2013

Part 624 – Soil Quality (DOC; 41 KB) -- 2002

Parts 626 to 636 – Soil Survey Field Procedures

Part 627 – Legend Development and Data Collection (DOC; 2.91 MB) -- 2014

Part 629 – Glossary of Landform and Geologic Terms (DOC; 998 KB) -- 2013

Part 630 – Benchmark Soils (DOC; 82 KB) -- 2013

Part 631 – Soil Survey Investigations (DOC; 97 KB) -- 2013

Parts 637 to 643 – Soil Survey Information Systems

Part 638 – Soil Data Systems (DOC; 114 KB) -- 2013

Part 639 – National Soil Information System (NASIS) (DOC; 156 KB) -- 2013

Parts 644 to 646 – Soil Survey Publications

Part 644 – Delivering Soil Survey Information (DOC; 578 KB) -- 2014

Parts 647 to 650 – Soil Maps

Part 647 – Soil Map Development (DOC; 729 KB) -- 2012

Part 649 – Land Resource Areas (DOC; 88 KB) -- 2016

Parts 651 to 659 – Information Delivery

Part 651 – Advance Soil Survey Information (DOC; 61 KB) -- 2013

Part 655 – Technical Soil Services (DOC; 61 KB) -- 2013


Legacy Soil Interpretation Rating Guides (1993 NSSH, Part 620) - Provided for historical use only (DOC; 492 KB)