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Learn more about how FleetDASH processes agency fleet data

The Fleet Sustainability Dashboard, or FleetDASH, tracks participating Federal agencies’ fleet fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and vehicle inventories throughout the year. Consumption is broken out by alternative fuels and petroleum fuels and summarized both for the current fiscal year to date (beginning October 1st) and on a monthly basis. The tool allows users to view national summaries or drill down through organizational levels to ultimately view individual vehicle fuel use and fuel transactions.

The dashboard’s interactive graphs show, for example, instances where alternative fuel is well utilized and opportunities for improvement. Specifically, Missed Opportunities to use alternative fuel and reduce petroleum consumption are highlighted throughout the tool. Missed Opportunities are instances where conventional fuel was purchased by an alternative fuel capable vehicle at a location where alternative fuel could have been purchased within 5 miles at a publicly accessible alternative fuel station. Learn more about how FleetDASH processes agency fleet data .

FleetDASH was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) to support the sustainability efforts of Federal fleets, including reducing petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and increasing the use of alternative fuels. The tool currently supports the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) leased portion of Federal fleets and uses data sets from GSA Reports Carryout. FEMP is exploring the requirements for incorporating agency owned and commercially leased vehicle data into FleetDASH.

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