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  RHIC run 13

On the Mark and Set for RHIC Run 13

When collisions begin for RHIC Run 13, scientists from Brookhaven Lab and around the world will collect data from polarized proton collisions to try to solve one of the biggest mysteries of the basic building blocks of matter—the puzzle of the proton’s “missing” spin.  More...

ten hundred words of sciecne

Explaining Science with Ten Hundred Words

Inspired by internet comic artist Randall Munroe, who recently used only the 1,000 most common words in the English language to describe the Saturn V rocket, scientists from every field are now experimenting with this limited word list to explain their own work.  More...

Thomas Graham

484th Brookhaven Lecture on Wednesday, 2/20

Join Thomas Graham of the Nonproliferation and National Security Department for the 484th Brookhaven Lecture, titled “Nuclear Stability or Instability in the 21st Century: Will U.S.-Soviet Cold War History Repeat for China, India and Pakistan?,” on Wednesday, February 20.  More...

Radoslav Adzic

Electrocatalysis Pays Tribute to BNL Scientist Radoslav Adzic

Electrocatalysis dedicated its December 2012 issue to a celebration of the 70th birthday of this outstanding Brookhaven Lab scientist.  More...

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Add to My CalendarBrookhaven Lecture
"484th Brookhaven Lecture: 'Nuclear Weapons Stability or Anarchy in the 21st Century: China-India-Pakistan'"
Tom Graham, Nonproliferation & National Security Department at Brookhaven Lab
Wednesday, February 20, 4 p.m.
Berkner Hall Auditorium


Brookhaven This Week is a weekly email newsletter published by the Community, Education, Government and Public Affairs Directorate.

Editor | Jim Green
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Community, Education, Government & Public Affairs Directorate
Bldg. 400C, P.O. Box 5000
Upton, New York 11973
(631) 344-2345 |


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