Dairyland Power Cooperative Celebrates 75th Anniversary Year

Seventy-five years ago this December, Dairyland formed with the purpose of providing power to rural residents. All these years later, Dairyland stays true to our mission to provide safe, reliable, sustainable and competitively priced energy to the cooperative membership.>more

75th Anniversary video

Dairyland honors the legacy and strong foundation built by our past cooperative leaders. This video highlights Dairyland's evolution and our vision to exceed our members' expectations. >more

Try Energy Efficient Lighting this Holiday Season

This holiday season, consider "going green” by using Light Emitting Diode (LED) holiday lights instead of traditional incandescent lights.

LED lights use up to 90 percent less energy and last seven times longer than conventional holiday lighting. >more

Stay warm AND save energy

Did you know that one-third of Americans’ energy bills go towards heating their homes?

As we move into the heating season, consider the following smart tips for a better way to stay warm while saving money and lessening your impact on the environment. >more

Major Solar Projects Underway

Dairyland has finalized agreements with two developers to purchase over 15 MW of renewable energy from multiple new utility-scale photovoltaic solar facilities in Wisconsin. This will be the largest influx of solar energy in the state, far surpassing current solar resources.>more

Staying safe in an accident involving power lines

Would you know what to do if your vehicle collided with a power pole or line? Click to view a video on how to stay safe in this situation from safeelectricity.org — and share it with your family and friends!>more

Be safe around power lines--even if they're down

Downed power lines can look relatively harmless, but don’t be fooled. They likely carry an electric current strong enough to cause serious injury or possibly death. >more

Dairyland Power Announces More Solar Generation Projects

Dairyland Power Cooperative has finalized agreements for three additional utility-scale solar generation projects, bringing Dairyland’s total number of solar installations under contract to 15.

The three new projects will increase the total solar generation from 15 megawatts (MW) to 20 MW in the Dairyland cooperative system.

“Dairyland is celebrating our 75th anniversary this year and the 15 solar projects are an exciting example of our commitment to providing safe, reliable and sustainable energy far into the future. The current amount of solar generation in Wisconsin will nearly double through our expanding solar initiative,” said Barbara Nick, President and CEO.

Two of the new projects will be located in northwest Wisconsin and one in northeast Iowa. Following are the locations, projected scale and local electric cooperative of the three new projects:
• Centuria, Wis., 1 MW (Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative)
• New Auburn, Wis., 2.5 MW (Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative)
• Strawberry Point, Iowa, 1.3 MW (Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative)

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A Touchstone Energy Cooperative
A Touchstone Energy Cooperative