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Village Green Energy

August 2008 - Facebook, the online social networking site, launched an application designed to promote renewable energy awareness and participation. Village Green Energy designed the Facebook application, named Green My Vino. Participating wineries will purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Village Green Energy, based on milestone levels of "Green Power Minutes" Facebook users give to each other. Each Green Power Minute is roughly equivalent to the amount of electricity the average person uses in a minute. Once a new pre-determined milestone is reached by Facebook users, another participating winery buys enough RECs to offset its energy use.

In the first week of operation, Facebook users gave each other more than 17,000 Green Power Minutes in increments of one, five, and ten minutes, enough to prompt the first four participating wineries — Iron Horse Vineyards, Girard Winery, Windsor Vineyards, and Windsor Sonoma — to purchase RECs for 100 percent of the energy required to run their Napa Valley and Sonoma County, California operations for one year. The RECs are sourced from Mountain View II Wind Facility near Palm Springs, California and several solar arrays in Los Angeles.

News Release - Wineries Accept Challenge to Go Green with Face book Application

News Article - Wineries Accept Challenge on Renewable Energy with Facebook Application

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