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Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

Neuwing Energy Ventures

March 2010 - IBM Corporation has registered Energy Efficiency Certificates (EECs) with APX North American Renewables Registry (NARR). Each EEC represents one megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy saved. IBM's EECs are derived from a project at its data center in Ontario, Canada, which is expected to save over 1,000 MWh annually. The savings are the result of the first phase of a virtualization and server consolidation project. In 2010, IBM plans to expand the project and estimates it will save 2,700 MWh annually. Neuwing Energy Ventures conducted an independent audit and verification of permanent reductions.

News Release - APX's North American Renewables Registry Infrastructure Extended to Envery Efficiency Markets

APX Contact: Kenneth Lopian, 201-748-7979

October 2008 - Kohl’s Department Stores implements a diverse strategy for its U.S. operations, known as the "Kohl’s Green Scene." The strategy includes an annual renewable energy purchase of approximately 236 million kWh, making the retailer the 15th largest U.S. renewable energy purchaser, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Green Power Partnership program. In recognition of the purchase and Kohl’s other green initiatives, Kohl’s received an EPA Green Power Leadership award at the 2008 Renewable Energy Marketing Conference.

The purchase of RECs from various renewable energy sources represents about 20% of the company’s U.S. electricity use. Kohl’s REC suppliers include the City of Dover, Neuwing Energy Ventures, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sterling Planet, and WM Renewable Energy.

Kohl’s other green initiatives feature on-site solar-powered energy generation either installed or planned for 130 stores in six states, with over 100 stores currently earning the EPA’s Energy Star label for superior energy efficiency and environmental performance. In addition, a total of 45 Kohl’s stores are expected to receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council in 2008. Other initiatives include the installation of automated demand response controls at store locations to reduce power usage during peak energy periods, high efficiency lighting retrofits, cardboard recycling, and efficient freight distribution, through which the company conducts more than 30% of its inbound transportation via rail.

News Article - Kohl’s Green Retail Efforts Worth Checking Out

Additional Information - Kohl’s Green Initiatives

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