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Western Area Power Administration

July 2006 - The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) announced that it is using renewable energy to offset all of the energy used by its buildings as well as the energy used by NREL vehicles, employee commuting, air travel and other 'life cycle' energy consumption. On-site renewable energy systems, such as wind and solar electric systems, are used to meet a portion of the laboratory's electricity needs, with these systems generating about 138,000 kWh annually. To offset the rest of its energy needs, NREL is purchasing 30 million kWh of renewable energy certificates (RECs) from the Western Area Power Administration. The laboratory has cut overall greenhouse gas emissions more than 10% since 2000, exceeding its five-year goal as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Climate Leaders Partnership.

News Release - NREL Takes Green Powered to Next Level: Comprehensive Efforts Shrink Laboratory's Environmental Footprint

April 2003 - The Western Area Power Administration announced a new program designed to facilitate the use of renewable energy by Federal agencies. In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program, Western will buy renewable energy on behalf of Federal agencies and deliver it either in the form of physical energy or as renewable energy certificates (RECs). The cost of the green power will vary for the three products offered based on the cost to Western to procure and deliver the energy as well as to administer the program.

News Release - Western Offers Renewables to Federal Agencies

Western Contact: Bob Fullerton (720) 962-7079

June 2002 - In a June 12 speech, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham issued a challenge to DOE operations to purchase electricity generated from renewable sources to supply at least 140 million kilowatt-hours annually, or about 5% of the agency's total electricity needs, by 2005. In April, Secretary Abraham announced that DOE will purchase green power to supply 17% of the electricity needs of its headquarters facilities in Washington, D.C. and Germantown, Maryland.

Secretary Abraham also announced that he has directed the Western Area Power Administration, which markets federal hydropower in 15 western states, to institute a renewable energy credit or "green tags" program to enable customers to either purchase green power directly or purchase the environment attributes of renewable energy generation.

More Information - Secretary Abraham's Remarks to the United States Energy Association, 13th Annual Energy Efficiency Forum, June 12, 2002

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