
The effects on the local society and economy.


The construction of marine hydrokinetic and offshore wind devices will likely affect human activities both socially and economically. Water is commonly used by humans for transportation and recreation, making coastal locations valuable real estate. Constructed devices may carry impact or risk of impact to people in the area. Therefore, an Assessment must be conducted to ensure that the benefits of the device outweigh the cost to industry and residents. The physical presence may be an eyesore, energy removed may have implications on shoreline erosion, or EMF and noise may disrupt recreation. There may also be potential benefits such as creating tourist attractions or artwork out of the devices.

Total Results: 466
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Sustainable Decommissioning of an Offshore Wind Farm Topham, E., McMillan, D. March 2017 Journal Article Offshore Wind Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Research Priorities for Assessing Potential Impacts of Emerging Marine Renewable Energy Technologies: Insights from Developments in Wales (UK) Roche, R., et al. December 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Outer Continental Shelf Lease Blocks National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration November 2016 Website Socio-economics
Estimating the Political, Economic and Environmental Factors' Impact on the Installed Wind Capacity Development: A System GMM Approach Biresselioglu, M., et al. October 2016 Journal Article Wind Energy general Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Levelized Cost of Energy for a Backward Bent Duct Buoy Bull, D., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Wave Socio-economics
Current tidal power technologies and their suitability for applications in coastal and marine areas Roberts, A., et al. May 2016 Journal Article Tidal Ecosystem, Socio-economics
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
From NIMBY to Acceptance: Toward a Novel Framework - VESPA - For Organizing and Interpreting Community Concerns Petrova, M. February 2016 Journal Article Wind Energy general Socio-economics, Aesthetics
A Methodology for Multi-Criteria Design of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms for Marine Renewable Energy Harvesting Zanuttigh, B., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Determining the Infrastructure Needs to Support Offshore Floating Wind and Marine Hydrokinetic Facilities on the Pacific West Coast and Hawaii Porter, A., Phillips, S. January 2016 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Offshore Wind Farm Site Selection Study around Jeju Island, South Korea Kim, T., Park, J., Maeng, J. January 2016 Journal Article Offshore Wind Ecosystem, Socio-economics
Valuation of Ecological and Amenity Impacts of an Offshore Windfarm as a Factor in Marine Planning Börger, T., Hooper, T., Austen, M. December 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Ecosystem, Socio-economics
An Italian Proposal on the Monitoring of Underwater Noise: Relationship Between the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Marine Spatial Planning Directive (MSP) Maccarrone, V., et al. December 2015 Journal Article Noise Socio-economics
Ökobilanzierung von Schweizer Windenergie Eymann, L., et al. November 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Birds, Socio-economics
Likelihood of a Marine Vessel Accident from Wind Energy Development in the Atlantic Copping, A., et al. November 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Socio-economics, Navigation
Environmental Impact Assessment in the Marine Environment: A Comparison of Legal Frameworks Guerra, F., et al. November 2015 Journal Article Wave Socio-economics
Integration of the Environmental Management Aspect in the Optimization of the Design and Planning of Energy Systems Theodosiou, G., Stylos, N., Koroneos, C. November 2015 Journal Article Socio-economics
Evaluation and Comparison of the Levelized Cost of Tidal, Wave, and Offshore Wind Energy Astariz, S., Vazquez, A., Iglesias, G. October 2015 Journal Article Wave, Tidal, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Challenges, Insights and Perspectives Associated with using Social-Ecological Science for Marine Conservation Leenhardt, P., et al. October 2015 Journal Article Socio-economics
Strategic Planning to Reduce Conflicts for Offshore Wind Development in Taiwan: A Social Marketing Perspective Chen, J., Liu, H., Chuang, C. October 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Enabling Siting and Permitting of Marine Energy Devices, in Conjunction with Engineering Design and Deployment Strategies Copping, A., Geerlofs, S., Hanna, L. September 2015 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Knowledge Brokerage Context Factors - What Matters in Knowledge Exchange in Impact Assessment? Saarela, S., Söderman, T., Lyytimäki, J. August 2015 Journal Article Socio-economics
Attitudes and Perceptions of Fishermen on the Island of Ireland Towards the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Projects Reilly, K., O'Hagan, A., Dalton, G. August 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Co-Creation of Individual-Based Models by Practitioners and Modellers to Inform Environmental Decision-Making Wood, K., Stillman, R., Goss-Custard, J. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Enablers Task Force on Marine Spatial Planning: Report to the Inter-Departmental Marine Coordination Group Enablers Task Force July 2015 Report Socio-economics
Social and Ecological Impacts of Marine Energy Development Bonar, P., Bryden, I., Borthwick, A. July 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Ecosystem, Socio-economics
Identifying Information Needs and Approaches for Assessing Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Farm Development on Fisheries Resources in the Northeast Region Petruny-Parker, M., et al. July 2015 Report Offshore Wind Socio-economics
ORJIP Ocean Energy: The Forward Look; an Ocean Energy Environmental Research Strategy for the UK ORJIP July 2015 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Socio-economics
Sociological Effects of Wind Farms in Maine Barthold, J. May 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Review of Consenting Processes for Ocean Energy in Selected European Union Member States Simas, T., et al. April 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Ocean Zoning for Conservation, Fisheries and Marine Renewable Energy: Assessing Trade-Offs and Co-Location Opportunities Yates, K., Schoeman, D., Klein, C. April 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
TROPOS Project Final Report Brito, J. March 2015 Report Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Marine Planning for Wales - Strategic Scoping Exercise Welsh Government March 2015 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Coastal Defence using Wave Farms: The Role of Farm-to-Coast Distance Abanades, J., Greaves, D., Iglesias, G. March 2015 Journal Article Wave Socio-economics
Economic Impact of Large-Scale Deployment of Offshore Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology in Oregon Coastal Counties Jimenez, T., Tegen, S., Beiter, P. March 2015 Report Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Olivebranches and Idiot's Guides: Frameworks for Community Engagement in Australian Wind Farm Development Howard, T. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Socio-economics
Scotland's National Marine Plan - A Single Framework for Managing Our Seas Marine Scotland March 2015 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Public Perceptions and Externalities in Tidal Stream Energy: A Valuation for Policy Making Vazquez, A., Iglesias, G. March 2015 Journal Article Tidal Socio-economics
Sustainable Siting Process in Large Wind Farms Case Study in Crete Tsoutsos, T., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
South Marine Plan Areas Options Report Marine Management Organisation (MMO) February 2015 Report Socio-economics
Consenting Processes for Ocean Energy on OES Member Countries WavEC February 2015 Report Marine Energy general Socio-economics
The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of Wave Energy Using GIS Based Analysis: The Case Study of Portugal Castro-Santos, L., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Wave Socio-economics
Rights and Ownership in Sea Country: Implications of Marine Renewable Energy for Indigenous and Local Communities Kerr, S., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Dark Green Electricity Comes from the Sea: Capitalizing on Ecological Merits of Offshore Wind Power? Toonen, H., Lindeboom, H. February 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Private Incentives for the Emergence of Co-Production of Offshore Wind Energy and Mussel Aquaculture Griffin, R., Buck, B., Krause, G. January 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Benthic Invertebrates, Socio-economics
Marine Renewable Energy - The Essential Legal Considerations Chang, T. January 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Socio-economics
2015 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan: Volume 1 - Management and Administration Commonwealth of Massachusetts January 2015 Report Socio-economics
2015 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan: Volume 2 - Baseline Assessment and Science Framework Commonwealth of Massachusetts January 2015 Report Socio-economics
Economic and Socio-Economic Assessment Methods for Ocean Renewable Energy: Public and Private Perspectives Dalton, G., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Socio-economics
The New Mode of Marine Planning in the UK: Aspirations and Challenges Scarff, G., Fitzsimmons, C., Gray, T. January 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Valuing the Local Impacts of a Large Scale Wind Power Establishment in Northern Sweden: Public and Private Preferences Toward Economic, Environmental and Sociocultural Values Ek, K., Matti, S. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Biogeographic Assessments: A Framework for Information Synthesis in Marine Spatial Planning Caldow, C., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Socio-economics
Understanding and Informing Permitting Decisions for Tidal Energy Development Using an Adaptive Management Framework Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal Socio-economics
Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations: Staying Afloat in Deepwaters Sunderasan, S. January 2015 Book Chapter Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Pacific Coast Fisheries GIS Resource Database US Geological Survey January 2015 Website Socio-economics
Auditory Recognition of Familiar and Unfamiliar Subjects with Wind Turbine Noise Maffei, L., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Noise Socio-economics
The Maine Tidal Power Initiative: Transdisciplinary Sustainability Science Research for the Responsible Development of Tidal Power Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal Socio-economics
In Sowing the Wind, How Ireland could Reap the Whirlwind - A Case Against Irish Wind Development(s) Barrett, E. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Will Offshore Energy Face "Fair Winds and Following Seas"?: Understanding the Factors Influencing Offshore Wind Acceptance Teisl, M., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Power and Perspective: Fisheries and the Ocean Commons Beset by Demands of Development Pomeroy, C., Hall-Arber, M., Conway, F. December 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Fish, Socio-economics
Wind of Change or Wind of Challenges: Implementation Factors Regarding Wind Energy Development, an International Perspective Gartman, V., et al. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Economic Impact from Large-Scale Deployment of Offshore Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology in Oregon Jimenez, T., Tegen, S. December 2014 Report Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Wind Energy: A Reference Handbook Newton, D. November 2014 Book Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Socio-economics
Key Criteria for Sustainable Wind Energy Planning - Lessons from an Institutional Perspective on the Impact Assessment Literature Thygesen, J., Agarwal, A. November 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
An Economic and Environmental Assessment of Transporting Bulk Energy from a Grazing Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Facility Gilmore, E., Blohm, A., Sinsabaugh, S. November 2014 Journal Article OTEC Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Anticipated Coastal Impacts: What Water-Users Think of Marine Renewables and Why Stokes, C., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Socio-economics
Insights from Archaeological Analysis and Interpretation of Marine Data Sets to Inform Marine Cultural Heritage Management and Planning of Wave and Tidal Energy Development for Orkney Waters and the Pentland Firth, NE Scotland Pollard, E., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Tidal, Wave Socio-economics
Strengthening the Role of Science in Marine Governance through Environmental Impact Assessment: A Case Study of the Marine Renewable Energy Industry Wright, G. October 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Maritime and Marine: Synonyms, Solitudes or Schizophrenia? Hildebrand, L., Schröder-Hinrichs, J. October 2014 Journal Article Socio-economics
Spatial Planning for Sustainable Marine Renewable Energy Developments in Scotland Davies, I., Watret, R., Gubbins, M. October 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Static Device Socio-economics
A Special Purpose: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Wind Energy Rose, R. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds, Socio-economics
Cautious but Committed: Moving Toward Adaptive Planning and Operation Strategies for Renewable Energy's Wildlife Implications Köppel, J., Dahmen, M., Helfrich, J. October 2014 Journal Article Wind Energy general Bats, Socio-economics
An Integrated Visual Impact Assessment Model for Offshore Windfarm Development Depellegrin, D., Blažauskas, N., Egarter-Vigl, L. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Static Device Socio-economics
Community Benefits, Framing and the Social Acceptance of Offshore Wind Farms: An Experimental Study in England Walker, B., Wiersma, B., Bailey, E. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Research on Chinese Life Cycle-Based Wind Power Plant Environmental Influence Prevention Measures Wang, H., et al. August 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Unlocking the Economic Potential of South Africa's Oceans Operation Phakisa August 2014 Presentation Socio-economics
The Crowded Sea: Incorporating Multiple Marine Activities in Conservation Plans Can Significantly Alter Spatial Priorities Mazor, T., et al. August 2014 Journal Article Socio-economics
Communicating Marine Environmental Information to Decision Makers: Enablers and Barriers to Use of Publications (Grey Literature) of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment Cossarini, D., MacDonald, B., Wells, P. August 2014 Journal Article Socio-economics
Report on Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategies TROPOS July 2014 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Energy Removal, Lighting, Static Device Ecosystem, Fish, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
A Sustainability Index of Potential Co-Location of Offshore Wind Farms and Open Water Aquaculture Benassai, G., et al. July 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Static Device Fish, Socio-economics
Lake Michigan Offshore Wind Feasibility Assessment Boezaart, A., et al. June 2014 Report Offshore Wind Noise Bats, Birds, Socio-economics
Marine Spatial Planning - Current Status 2014: National Planning in Sweden's Territorial Waters and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) June 2014 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
South Inshore and South Offshore Marine Plan Areas: South Plans Analytical Report Marine Management Organisation (MMO) June 2014 Report Socio-economics
A Comparison of Perceptions towards Wind Power among Local and Foreign Residents of Jeju Island, South Korea Kojetin, D., Min, K. June 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
The Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Riparian Management, and a Nonnative Predator on Stream-Rearing Salmon Lawrence, D., et al. June 2014 Journal Article Fish, Socio-economics
Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Repowing Draft Program Environmental Impact Report Alameda County Community Development Agency June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Noise, Static Device Birds, Socio-economics
The Government of the Republic of South Africa National Environmental Management of the Ocean White Paper Department of Environmental Affairs May 2014 Report Socio-economics
Identifying Space for Offshore Wind Energy in the North Sea. Consequences of Scenario Calculations for Interactions with Other Marine Uses Jongbloed, R., van der Wal, J., Lindeboom, H. May 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Static Device Socio-economics
Policies and Measures for Protected Species in Wind Energy: An Assessment Between the U.S. and Germany Gartman, V. May 2014 Thesis Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Insights into the Ocean Health Index for Marine Renewable Energy Lam, W., Roy, C. May 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Coordination and Cooperation in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the US National Ocean Policy Maier, N. May 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Human Dimensions Research on Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Development in Maine Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. April 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Historic Environment Guidance for Wave and Tidal Renewable Energy Robertson, P., Shaw, A. April 2014 Presentation Tidal, Wave Socio-economics
Methodology for Design and Economic Analysis of Marine Energy Conversion (MEC) Technologies Neary, V., et al. April 2014 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Socio-economics
Environmental aspects of designing multi-purpose offshore platforms in the scope of the FP7 TROPOS Project Lu, S., et al. April 2014 Conference Paper Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Socio-economics
East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans Marine Management Organisation (MMO) April 2014 Report Socio-economics
Establishing an Agenda for Social Studies Research in Marine Renewable Energy Kerr, S., et al. April 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Socio-economics
Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Data Registry National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration March 2014 Website Socio-economics
Decision Support Tools for Collaborative Marine Spatial Planning: Identifying Potential Sites for Tidal Energy Devices Around the Mull of Kintyre, Scotland Janssen, R., Arciniegas, G., Alexander, K. March 2014 Journal Article Tidal Static Device Socio-economics
Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Environmental Statement - Chapter 22: Socio-Economics Beeden, D. March 2014 Report Offshore Wind Socio-economics


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