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GFIA Annual Report 2015-2016

AIA’s President & CEO Leigh Ann Pusey explores how Cyber risk is inherently an international issue and the international discussion on how best to address this risk.


How Trade Agreements Could Help P/C Insurers in Global Market

Steve Simchak, AIA’s Director of International Affairs, explains why trade is important for insurers and how recent negotiations could help with market access.


Property-Casualty Insurers & the Impact Of Tax Reform

AIA’s report is intended to be a resource on property-casualty insurers' vital role in the economy, and the carefully calibrated link between the U.S. tax code and outcomes for property casualty policyholders.


'Brexit' for Insurers

AIA is monitoring the enormous amount of analysis of the impact of Brexit on insurers and posting what we feel are the most informative “must reads” for those in the U.S. insurance industry tracking Brexit developments.


Trending at AIA

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

OECD catalogues the relevant technology that is viewed as having the potential to bring innovation to the insurance sector....

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The rising risk of flood

FM Global looks at three powerful ways for business to combat a growing hazard...

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6th Annual Advisen information security and cyber risk management survey

Advisen and Zurich North America look at the evolving risk strategies by businesses are using to combat cyber threats....

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Geneva Association – An Integrated Approach to Managing Extreme Events and Climate Risks

The Geneva Association examines the public-private approach to managing extreme events and climate risks. ...

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Cybersecurity Preparedness and Response: A Middle Market Risk Management Perspective

Advisen and The Hartford released a paper that presents the results of a survey of middle market professionals on their views about cyber preparedness....

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Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office Releases Fourth Annual Report

Under Dodd-Frank, FIO must report annually to the President and Congress on the state of the insurance industry and any other information deemed relevant or requested...

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<December 2016>

AIA on Twitter

Systemic Risk Designation Act shows why risk assessment of financial institutions should be based on more than size

5 Dec 2016

Congratulations to AIA member @ProSightCorp for their Gold and Silver wins for Best in Biz Awards 2016 #insurance

5 Dec 2016

Passing of Systemic Risk Designation Act (H.R. 6392) reinforces the lack of risk P/C has on the financial system

5 Dec 2016

AIA's December 5, 2016 edition of First Read is out!

5 Dec 2016