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The Twelve Orders of Soil Taxonomy

Click on each soil order for a high-resolution, printable PDF file.  For a high resolution PDF version of the entire poster, click on the title on the right side of the poster.  (All of these links are also listed below.)

To order a free copy of the poster, go to the NRCS Distribution Center website at and search for “Twelve Orders”.

Twelve Orders of Soil Taxonomy poster.AlfisolsAndisolsAridisolsEntisolsGelisolsHistosolsInceptisolsMollisolsOxisolsSpodosolsUltisolsVertisols12 Orders

Alfisols Andisols Aridisols Entisols Gelisols Histosols Inceptisols Mollisols Oxisols Spodosols Ultisols Vertisols The 12 Orders of Soil Taxonomy high-resolution poster

The Twelve Orders of Soil Taxonomy (PDF; 16.9 MB) -- high-resolution of poster (print at 200%, 24" x 36")
Alfisols (PDF; 918 KB)
Andisols (PDF; 679 KB)
Aridisols (PDF; 810 KB)
Entisols (PDF; 634 KB)
Gelisols (PDF; 569 KB)
Histosols (PDF; 750 KB)
Inceptisols (PDF; 877 KB)
Mollisols (PDF; 868 KB)
Oxisols (PDF; 677 KB)
Spodosols (PDF; 570 KB)
Ultisols (PDF; 906 KB)
Vertisols (PDF; 612 KB)