
Dam Safety Risk Analysis Best Practices

The Dam Safety Risk Analysis Best Practices Training Manual is the foundation for Reclamation's Risk Analysis process. The documents listed below are handouts used during the five-day training course.

This course was jointly developed by Reclamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The documents below are intended as a supplement to the instructor-led training course and should not be taken out of context.

Go to Manual and Presentation Download site

Contact for course information:

Jeanne Major

Reclamation Seminar on Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) for Domestic Audiences

This seminar provides attendees with comprehensive instruction in dam safety examination and evaluation. Although references will be made to organizational procedures and units of Reclamation, the principles, concepts, and procedures are readily adaptable to any organization conducting a regulatory or in-house dam safety program for existing dams.

The basic seminar emphasizes the importance of dam safety and provides information and instruction in dam safety surveillance, including periodic review of pertinent records, visual examination, and monitoring of instrumentation. Hydrologic considerations, concrete repair, remedial measures for dams, and emergency action planning are also discussed. The seminar is suitable for engineers, technicians, maintenance personnel, and administrators responsible for dams.

Registration is open to Federal agency, Reclamation water district partners and tribal employees

Registration Information

Contact for course information:

Lisa Krest

Training Aids for Dam Safety (TADS): A Self-Instructional Study Course in Dam Safety Practices

TADS is a self-contained, self-paced training course consisting of 21 modules (workbooks and videos) for engineers, technicians, dam owners and operators, water resource managers, dam safety program managers, public officials, and the public. The modules were developed by technical experts from participating federal and state agencies and are organized into 3 components: Dam Safety Inspection; Dam Safety Awareness, Organization, and Implementation; and Data Review, Investigation, Analysis and Remedial Actions for Dam Safety.

The self-instructional study course in Dam Safety Practices, FEMA 609DVD, is available at no cost from the FEMA Publications Warehouse.

Connect to FEMA TADS site

Department of the Interior Dam Safety Coordinators Training

For site maintenance contact: Webmaster


Last Updated: 12/13/16