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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Initial Decisions - 2011
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Docket No. Date Issued
RP11-2168-000 PDF 12/21/11 Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC
RP10-729-000 PDF 12/08/11 Portland Natural Gas Transmission System
CP06-407-007 PDF 11/28/11 Missouri Interstate Gas, LLC
Missouri Gas Company, LLC
Missouri Pipeline Company, LLC
ER10-2001-001 PDF 09/23/11 Entergy Services, Inc.
RP10-951-000 PDF 09/07/11 Texas Gas Service Company v. El Paso Natural Gas Company
RP04-274-023 PDF 04/14/11 Kern River Gas Transmission Company
IS09-348-000, et al PDF 03/10/11 BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc., et al
EL10-51-000 PDF 02/18/11 Louisiana Public Service Commission v. Entergy Corporation, et al.
02/10/11 SFPP, L.P.
01/20/11 Commonwealth Edison Company
Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc.
Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.
RP08-426-000 PDF 01/14/11 El Paso Natural Gas Company

In proceedings set for hearings, the judge who presided over the reception of the evidence issues an initial decision and certifies the hearing record to the Commission. The initial decision is based on the record developed in the hearing, the briefs filed by the parties, the law, and the policy of the Commission. It is the judge's job to independently apply the laws enacted by the Congress as interpreted by the courts, and the policy promulgated by the Commission to the facts of the particular case.

The judge's initial decision becomes the final Commission decision 10 days after briefs on exceptions to the initial decision are due unless exceptions are timely filed or the Commission issues an order staying the effectiveness of the initial decision pending review.