Cloud & Aerosol Processes: Instruments



miniSASPsun photometer measures the radiant flux density at three wavelengths through a layer of atmospheric particles; determines how sunlight in the layer is scattered and absorbed More info... Dan Murphy miniature ULR
miniature ULR (upward-looking radiometer) for balloons and UAVs
PASphotoacoustic aerosol absorption spectrometer heats absorbing particles in an acoustic resonator with a laser; measured sound is converted to aerosol absorption coefficient Matt Richardson, Bernie Mason, Nick Wagner
CRD-AEScavity ringdown-aerosol extinction spectrometer measures loss of laser light by aerosol scattering and absorption in an optical cavity; determines aerosol extinction Matt Richardson, Bernie Mason, Nick Wagner
aPASphotoacoustic spectroscopy measures dry aerosol optical absorption at 660 nm, 532 nm, and 405 nm; additional channels for measurement of absorption from thermal denuded aerosol; designed for deployment aboard aircraft and has flown on the NOAA WP-3D and the NASA DC-8 Nick Wagner, Matt Richardson aCRD and aPAS
aPAS and aCRD share electronics, DAQ, and instrument rack
aCRDcavity ringdown spectroscopy measures dry aerosol optical extinction at 660 nm, 532 nm, and 405 nm; additional channels for measurement of humidified and thermal denuded aerosol; designed for deployment aboard aircraft and has flown on the NOAA WP-3D and the NASA DC-8 Nick Wagner, Matt Richardson
gCRD-PAScavity ringdown spectroscopy and photoacustic spectroscopy under construction - measures dry aerosol absoroption, extinction and single scatter albedo at 532nm; designed to operate remote and unatteded for several weeks Nick Wagner, Matt Richardson gCRD-PAS
opCRDcavity ringdown spectroscopy measures aerosol extinction under ambient conditions in an open-path cavity at 670nm; designed for ground sampling Dan Murphy, Nick Wagner opCRD
ASTERaerosol scattering-to-extinction ratio measures scattering and extinction of individual aerosol particles in a ring laser cavity Dan Murphy, Matt Richardson


AMSaerosol mass spectrometer samples and volatilizes aerosol particles; evolved gases are ionized and measured with a compact time-of-flight mass spectrometer for composition Ann Middlebrook AMS installed on the P3
PALMSparticle analysis by laser mass spectroscopy single particles are vaporized and ionized by a UV laser; composition is determined by a time-of-flight mass spectrometer Dan Murphy, Karl Froyd PALMS in the lab
PiLSparticle-into-liquid sampler dissolves small aerosol particles into liquids for later chemical composition analysis Ann Middlebrook PiLS in the rack on the P3

Size distribution

NMASSnucleation-mode aerosol size spectrometerfive condensation particle counters in parallel estimate particle size distributions from 0.004-0.05 µm diameterChuck BrockNMASS in the lab
UHSASultra-high sensitivity aerosol spectrometerlaser light scattered from single particles is used to determine their size and concentration in the 0.07-1.0 µm diameter rangeChuck BrockUHSAS in the lab
WLOPCwhite-light optical particle counterLED light scattered from single particles is used to determine their size and concentration in the 0.5-8.5 µm diameter rangeChuck Brock
SMPSscanning mobility size spectrometerparticles are charged, segregated in an electric field, and counted to determine the size distribution from 0.02-0.7 µm diameterChuck Brock

Aerosol physics

PCVIpumped counterflow virtual impactor inertially separates large particles or ice crystals into a dry or inert gas Dan Murphy

Cloud physics

(CIP and CDP)
Cloud Combination Probe: cloud imaging and cloud droplet probelaser shadow images of cloud-sized particles are used to determine size, concentration, and shape; 25-1550 µm;
forward scattered laser light from cloud droplets is used to size and count them; 3.0-50 µm
Chuck Brockcloud combination probe in the lab
PIPprecipitation imaging probelaser shadow images of precipitation-sized particles are used to determine size, concentration, and shape; 100-6200 µmChuck BrockPIP installed on the P3
CAScloud and aerosol spectrometerforward scattered laser light from aerosol particles and cloud droplets is used to size and count them; 0.05-50 µmChuck BrockCAS instrument in the lab