NOAA WP-3D research aircraft, researchers, and instruments during SENEX 2013

Photos: D. Oonk, CIRES

SENEX 2013: CSD conducts an atmospheric research study to investigate the natural and manmade emissions that affect air quality in the Southeast, and their movement and chemical transformations within the atmosphere.

Data Products Overview


Datasets - research data from field campaigns; stratospheric data sets

Field Campaigns

Satellite Imagery & Meteorology - GOES and composite radar images, surface observation images, and image loops in support of field campaign planning and operations.

Tracer Forecasts - using the FLEXPART Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model, and some plots of meteorological parameters, in combination with the GFS and WRF models.

Regional Model Evaluation - Air Quality Forecasts model results verified against field observation data.

Global Model Evaluation - IGAC/SPARC Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) working group on improved evaluation of chemistry-climate models using in-situ research aircraft data.