Welcome to the BLM Knowledge Resource Center

Please use this site to fulfill your learning needs. You can find information by:

  • Program area -- use the menu on the left side to display different program areas.
  • Searching -- if you have a specific word or phrase it may help you find your learning topic.

The learning information is in the following formats:

  • Documents -- We use Adobe documents to enhance the accessibility of the information.
  • Multimedia Presentations -- Our presenters try to enhance your experience with different media.
  • Audios -- For those who are multi-tasking while learning, please be safe.

For more information about this website, take a tour of the KRC

This site provides you with an informal learning experience. When you want a learning site where the classes you successfully take are put on your transcript, go to the DOI Learn or Department of the Interior Learning website at http://www.doi.gov/doilearn/index.cfm. For DOI Learn help, contact Catherine_Book@blm.gov.

If you have problems with video playback, please try the following:

  1. Ensure that you have the Flash player or plug-in installed on your computer.
  2. Try the video on another day and at another time.
  3. See if the video plays well on another computer.

You are important to us. To give us information about your experiences, contact the web administrator at Ramon_Stovell@blm.gov or Sherry_Smith@blm.gov.

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