

Sharing the love of what we do - with you!

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13 July 2016 - For a second year, NOAA Science Camp Junior Leadership Program (JLP) campers visited the Pacific Marine Environmental Lab (PMEL) in Seattle, WA for a tour of the facility.

08 July 2015 - NOAA Science Camp Junior Leadership Program (JLP) visited the Pacific Marine Environmental Lab (PMEL) in Seattle, WA for a tour of the facility. After a brief walk-around the students were led to the conference room and given a task. That task was to develop a program or technology (or both) to investigate the Arctic and to then present their idea to the group. Student's presentations were judged on four areas: content, communication, engagement, and originality. A bonus was given for utilizing visual components in their presentation. The best presentation, titled "Prediction for Preparation" presented as a research team, clearly identified a current and relatable issue, defined their research objective based on that problem, and thought out the entirety of their investigation from timeline to social media. Their project not only was executable but also met several of NOAA's current Goals including addressing Climate Adaption and Mitigation and a Weather Ready Nation. Congratulations not only to the winning team, but to all of the JLP campers. They were a pleasure to have visit PMEL.

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