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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Environmental Assessment

Environmental Assessment for the Minisink Compressor Project (Docket No. CP11-515-000)
Issued: March 2, 2012

FERC issues Environmental Assessment for the Minisink Compressor Project (Docket No. CP11-515-000).

The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for the Minisink Compressor Project (Project) proposed by Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC (Millennium).

Millennium’s proposed Minisink Compressor Project consists of two 6,130-horsepower gas-fired compressor units that would be housed within a new building, as well as an access driveway, parking areas, a station control/auxiliary building, intake and exhaust silencers, turbine lube oil coolers, unit blowdown silencers, a filter-separator with a liquids tank, and an emergency electrical power generator. Pipeline facilities required for the project include approximately 545 feet of new 36-inch-diameter suction and discharge pipelines which would connect the compressor station to the existing mainline. A new mainline valve assembly would also be required on the existing pipeline located between the new suction and discharge pipelines.

Based on the analysis in this EA, staff has determined that if Millennium constructs and operates the proposed facilities in accordance with its application and supplements, and the staff's 17 recommended mitigation measures, approval of this proposal would not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.

Comments on the EA must be received in Washington, DC on or before April 2, 2012.

Electronically file your comments with FERC
eFile your Comments on or before April 2, 2012