
Age-Friendly DC

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About Age-Friendly DC

What is an age-friendly city? It is an inclusive and accessible environment that encourages active and healthy living for all residents.

Age-Friendly DC is a coordinated, comprehensive and collective-action effort with goal of ensuring all DC residents are active, connected, healthy, engaged and happy in their environment. It is an overarching policy and community engagement framework, one that involves every aspect of life, from transportation, to housing, to health, to finances.

The District’s Age-Friendly effort is starting with adults age 50 and older.

Age-Friendly DC is also a process. It provides various means for adults (especially older adults), community members and organizations, businesses, academics and other stakeholders to offer critical input including concerns about the age-friendly design for the District. The design is comprised of 10 domains:

  1. Outdoor spaces and buildings
  2. Transportation
  3. Housing
  4. Social participation
  5. Respect and social inclusion
  6. Civic participation and employment
  7. Communication and information
  8. Community support and health services
  9. Emergency preparedness and resilience
  10. Elder abuse, neglect and fraud

The Age-Friendly DC Coordinator manages the strategic plan implementation and other work of the citywide effort. Contact the coordinator via email,