Funding Sources & How to Apply

Grant Opportunities

The Migratory Bird Program operates several conservation grants programs. Each has its own purpose, regulations, and application processes. Select a program from the list below to learn more about the grants process and how to apply for project funding.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Grants

Flock of Pintails taking off from a wetland. Credit USFWS

U.S. Standard Grants

Ruddy Turnstone on a grant project site beach. Credit Christina Ryder, USFWS.

U.S. Small Grants

Canada Goose in flight. CreditGary Kramer, USFWS.

Canada Standard Grants

Canvasback pair, Credit Sharon Larson.

Mexico Standard Grants

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) Grants

Prothonotary Warnler in a mulberry tree. Credit Guy Foulks, USFWS.

Urban Bird Treaty Grants

Northern Cardinal in an urban landscape. Credit USFWS
  • Next Deadline: February 3, 2016.
  • Restricted to urban areas working with partners (see program website for eligibility requirements)
  • Requires at least 1:1 Match
  • Urban Bird Treaty Program

Last Updated: December 7, 2015