
Learn About Bird Conservation

Educating others about what they can do to minimize and avoid impacts to migratory birds in their daily activities is one of the many resources U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service offers to help improve nationwide bird conservation practices. There are currently three classes available for this purpose. Click on the course name to receive more detailed information about each class.

  • Migratory Bird Conservation: A Trust Responsibility - The goal of this course it to provide the information and tools necessary to empower participants to enact effective bird conservation strategies into their daily work. The target audiences for this class are:
    • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff
    • Federal Agency staff
    • Non-governmental Partners
    • Project Proponents
    • Consultants
  • Migratory Bird Conservation for Federal Partners - The goal of this course is to provide the information and tools necessary to empower federal agencies to incorporate effective and efficient bird conservation strategies into the agency’s actions, plans, and policies.
  • Basic Bird Biology - This extensive survey course on bird biology and ecology is designed to provide a participant with the ability to integrate ecological knowledge and thinking into their daily work process. Individuals that would benefit from this course include permits specialists, law enforcement, inspectors, administration, park rangers, outdoor recreation planners, wage-grade employees, those new to the migratory bird program, and anyone who did not receive ornithology in college.
  • Other Training - Other federal agencies, state agencies and some nongovernment also offer training in bird conservation topics.

Last Updated: March 1, 2016