
Requesting Grant Funds

 Enroll: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) grants to U.S. recipients are paid through U.S. Treasury’s Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP). ASAP is a Federal-wide system. State and local governments, non-profits, universities, as well as some individuals are already using the system to draw funds for awards received through other Federal agencies. This guide provides instructions to enroll in ASAP.

 Drawdown: When your organization has enrolled in you will be able to drawdown grant funds. This guide will walk you through the drawdown process.

 Report: As a condition of your grant you must submit annual progress reports to your FWS grant officer. The information in this document is a general discussion of reporting requirements; your grant officer will inform you of the exact conditions of your award.

 Payments to Non-U.S. Recipients: NAWCA and NMBCA grants to recipients with headquarters that are not in the USA are paid either through the ITS process (if their bank is outside the USA) or through the EFT process (if their bank is in the USA). This document explains how to request payments under each system.

Last Updated: May 8, 2015