Basic Bird Biology

Learning about birds

This extensive survey course on bird biology and ecology is designed to provide a participant with the ability to integrate ecological knowledge and thinking into their daily work process. The goal of the course is to provide enough ecological knowledge to individuals who encounter the public to be able to handle basic questions or problems regarding migratory birds. During the course, you will have hands-on learning about bird morphology, behavior, habitat selection, identification, and regulatory protections. By course end, you should be able to address the most common bird questions that FWS receives and apply knowledge to permit requests, planning, and visitor programs.

This course is designed for individuals who interact with the public and would like to be able to answer basic bird ecology questions. We are targeting FWS employees with little to no bird ecology experience who need to answer questions from or have other interaction with the public. Individuals that would benefit from this course include permits specialists, law enforcement, inspectors, administration, park rangers, outdoor recreation planners, wage-grade employees, those new to the migratory bird program, and anyone who did not receive ornithology in college.

For information about tuition fees and how to register for the class see the following  training announcement.

Last Updated: March 1, 2016