NMBCA Bird List

 Bird Species Considered as Neotropical Migrants under the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act is the list of 386 bird species defined as neotropical migrants under the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act.

Also indicated in the Bird List are species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (as of 2010) and those listed on the National Audubon Society/American Bird Conservancy’s  Watchlist (2007) or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (2008)  Birds of Conservation Concern.

Birds marked as Birds of Conservation Concern, Watchlist species or species listed under the Endangered Species Act are eligible for research, monitoring, or assessment focused projects under the NMBCA IMPACT program. Please see the How To Apply for details.

If you feel there is a species missing that should be included on this list, you can petition for the inclusion of the species by sending relevant justification information to neotropical@fws.gov.

Last Updated: April 29, 2015