Migratory Bird Conservation: A Trust Responsibility

Learning About Bird Conservation Responsibilities

Target Audience

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff
  • Federal Agency staff
  • Non-governmental Partners
  • Project Proponents
  • Consultants

Course Goal
Provide the information and tools necessary to empower participants to enact effective bird conservation strategies into their daily work.

Course Objectives

  • Ensure participants understand their legal responsibilities for bird conservation;
  • Ensure participants receive the information and tools necessary to implement effective bird conservation strategies;
  • Provide a clear understanding of how the Service can provide technical assistance to project proponents for impact management and conservation planning;
  • Empower federal partners and project proponents to efficiently and effectively reduce impacts from their actions;
  • Empower federal and other partners to work cooperatively for landscape scale bird conservation.

Course Design
This course is designed to provide participants information regarding effective bird conservation, show them how to use that information and/or tools, and ask them to demonstrate an understanding of the information and tools through a series of small-group exercises and one large-group exercise that ties all of the components of the class together.

This class is 4.5 days long and includes a field/in-class group exercise day depending on the location of the course (i.e., classroom work for those courses instructed at NCTC or field day for remote classes). Topics covered in the course include the following:

  • Understanding the laws that protect migratory birds
  • Legal and enforcement perspectives in the modern world
  • Current impacts to bird populations
  • Reducing impacts to migratory birds
  • Using NEPA to document agency decision-making
  • Tools and resources that make bird conservation easier and more effective
  • When is a migratory bird permit right for you?
  • How can partnerships help your conservation efforts and where to find them?

For information about tuition fees and how to register for the class see the following  training announcement.

Last Updated: March 1, 2016