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Researchers discovered how green fluorescent proteins (center) react with water (shown around the edges of the protein).04.30.16Science Highlight

New Insight on a Familiar Glow

A new approach to investigating green fluorescent protein provides a vital tool for unraveling molecular-level details of processes important in biology and light harvesting for energy use. Read More »

Energy filtered image of CoFe2C rods showing the carbon elemental map (left). Theoretical image of the CoFe2C structure showing the frontier molecular orbitals (right).04.30.16Science Highlight

Small and Powerful: Pushing the Boundaries of Nano-Magnets

Newly discovered particles behave as powerful magnets that, one day, could change data storage. Read More »

The deposition of a silicon dioxide layer (yellow layer) on a carbon nanotube (gray spheres) introduces solitary oxygen dopants (red spheres).03.31.16Science Highlight

Using Nanotubes to Create Single Photons for Quantum Communication

Demonstration of room temperature, single photon emission in doped carbon nanotubes opens a new path toward quantum information technologies. Read More »

Adding a water molecule to the positively charged protactinium dioxide ion results in hydrolysis, or water splitting.03.31.16Science Highlight

Rare Meets Common: Reacting Protactinium with Ubiquitous Water Explains an Elemental Oddity

Reactions with this extremely rare element could reveal previously unknown trends, benefiting studies of new nuclear reactor fuels. Read More »

MD simulation shows membranes with an asymmetric molecular distribution of about 0.6 nm; yellow = gold; red = organo-thiol ligand molecules.03.31.16Science Highlight

Janus-like Nanoparticle Membranes

Sub-nanometer molecular asymmetry between the two different faces of nanoparticle membranes formed at air-water interface is revealed. Read More »

Electron energy loss spectroscopy.03.31.16Science Highlight

Problem Turned Into Performance for Solar Cells

Boundaries between crystalline grains - usually detrimental - can also boost charge collection in hybrid solar cells. Read More »

Moth eyes are highly antireflective due to their nanostructured surface.03.31.16Science Highlight

Artificial Moth Eyes Enhance Silicon Solar Cells

A novel approach to design and assembly of nanotextured surfaces on photovoltaic devices could improve energy collection. Read More »

Scanning electron microscopy image of the hair coating of Saharan silver ants, which shows the triangular cross section of the hairs.03.31.16Science Highlight

Silver Ants Stay Cool in the Saharan Heat

Findings could lead to biomimetic coatings for passive radiative cooling technologies for buildings and vehicles. Read More »

Nanostructured sheets created using microwaves are envisioned here on an electrode surface for the hydrogen evolution reaction (green circles are molybdenum atoms, yellow circles are sulfur atoms).03.31.16Science Highlight

New Microwave Synthesis Technique Produces More - Affordable Hydrogen

Scientists synthesize what could be a low-cost, earth-abundant material that splits water to make hydrogen fuel. Read More »

Defects (red and blue markings) surprisingly self-organize in active liquid crystal film of protein filaments and such dynamic reorganization could lead to new approaches for designing self-healing materials.12.14.15Science Highlight

Defects Lead to Order

Surprising order found in bundles of protein filaments that move chaotically and form liquid crystals that could led to novel self-healing. Read More »

Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:59:08 PM