
Images, Video, Social Media and More

Whether you are an educator looking for dynamic tools to share with your students; a parent helping a child with a homework assignment; a student or researcher looking for bird-related resources; or a curious bird enthusiast, we offer content on a variety of different media platforms for you to download, view and use.

If you still cannot find what you are looking for, please email

Featured news page : find out what's going on in the Migratory Bird Program!

 Videos from around the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Public Domain Images:
Flickr albums:
 Migratory Bird Program
 North American Wetlands Conservation Act
 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act
 Endangered bird species
 Birds on national wildlife refuges

USFWS Digital library : searchable database of USFWS multimedia products
 Migratory Bird collection

Social Media
 Access all USFWS social media feeds from our Social Media Hub

 "Open Spaces" blog: A Walk on the Wild Side with USFWS employees, interns and volunteers

 USFWS on Pinterest

Training and other videos:
 Migratory Bird Program webinar series

Newsletters and other publications:
 All-bird Bulletin

Last Updated: May 17, 2015