Other Bird Data and Information Resources

The following resources may be helpful when seeking information or data to improve land management planning, develop conservation programs, or analyze project-related impacts in an environmental document (e.g., National Environmental Policy Act analyses).

Biological/Ecological Information:

 Birds of North AmericaDetailed information for hundreds of bird species that includes life history traits, conservation and management actions, and research needs..

 State of the Birds A general summary of current population trends across public and private lands and related to climate change.

 North American Bird Conservation Initiative A source of general bird conservation information, including the Bird Conservation Plans and details for Bird Conservation Regions(BCRs).

 Cornell Lab of Ornithology A source of general information about birds, along with multi-media information

Bird Data:

 North American Breeding Bird Survey Long-term standardized nationwide survey3ò4 providing a consistent index of breeding bird population trends

 Christmas Bird Count Long-running winter survey focusing on relative winter distribution trends

 eBird A source for bird occurrence data and species distribution maps

 Avian Knowledge Network A network of multiple bird data resources and decision support tools

 Partners in Flight An interactive database on bird species vulnerability assessments and population estimates

 The Institute for Bird Populations - A source of bird productivity and survival data

 USGS North American Breeding Bird Atlas Explorer A link to state breeding bird atlas efforts, which may include detailed county by county breeding records

Last Updated: February 29, 2016