Research Record / HC-Sentinel: An AUV Glider for High Endurance Subsea Hydrocarbon Detection

HC-Sentinel: An AUV Glider for High Endurance Subsea Hydrocarbon Detection

Project Number
Progress Date
Project Initiation Date
Performing Activity
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Principal Investigator
Dr. Richard Camilli
Contracting Agency
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Estimated Completion Date

The objective of this project is to develop and test a next generation in-situ mass spectrometer payload that operates on an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) glider for real-time subsea hydrocarbon detection and classification. The system will be designed to operate for long-term subsea inspection, monitoring, and incident response.

The project will be comprised of six main elements:

Construction of the HC-Sentinel hydrocarbon mass spectrometer. Modification of a Slocum glider payload bay to accommodate the HC-Sentinel. Calibration of the payload instrument system. Development of goal-directed mission executive and rules-based expert system to adaptively survey areas of interest. Sea trials in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. Demonstration operations at a naturally occurring seafloor petroleum seep site.

Latest progress update

Demonstration operations in the Santa Barbara Basin were conducted in September 2016. During this time the HC Sentinel glider was tested to complete two types of missions: 1) a dense grid survey of shallow water site, and 2) a long-range transit to and return from a deep water site. The HC Sentinel glider conducted a total of 160 dive cycles to a maximum depth of 570 meters (1,870 ft) covering 25 km, at an average speed of 35 cm/s. The collected data is currently being processed and the draft report will be delivered soon.

In Progress