North Florida Ecological Services Office
Southeast Region

Where do I submit Project Review Requests?

Federal agencies, private and public landowners, project managers/planners, and consultants are asked to submit all new project review requests and supporting documentation electronically to jaxregs @ Please do not submit to other email addresses or individual staff as this may result in processing delays due to planned and unplanned absences or other work related issues. Electronic submissions need not be submitted in hard copy unless requested by our staff.

NOTE: Emails with attachments are limited to a maximum size of 20 megabytes (20MB). If you have attachments that exceed this threshold, note same on your email submission and then send those attachments on CD or DVD via mail to the Jacksonville address listed below. If you chose or need to submit via multiple emails please use same subject line for each email and note numerical sequence in the subject line such as 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.

Looking for Your Project's Review Status?

Please allow a minimum of 30-days from date of project submission to our office before inquiring as to your project's review status. This allows time for your project submission to be received, complete intake processing, and staff assignment and initial review. Requests are placed in different process tracks (technical assistance, informal consultations or formal consultations) and generally handled on a first-in, first-out basis within those tracks. However, these timelines assume all information required for us to complete our review/consultation is provided and no additional information is requested. Such requests for additional information, clarification or incomplete submissions can result in the temporary suspension of review timelines. If you have not heard from us AFTER 30-days, for quickest response submit a status request via e-mail to jaxregs @


Office Location and Staff Directory for North Florida ES Office in Jacksonville, FL [Updated 01/12/2017]

Main Office

U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
North Florida Ecological Services Office
7915 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200
Jacksonville, FL 32256-7517
Phone: 904.731.3336
Fax: 904.731.3045

Go here for directions and a map to our office located in the building in the back of parking near the lake and displaying ParkerVision name at top corner of building.

Staff Directory

Ecoligical Services Program Supervisor (Florida)
Larry Williams 772.469.4251 Program Supervisor (FL)
Rafael Gonzalez 772.469.4269 Chief of Staff
LeeAnn Kelso 772.469.4251 Executive Assistant
NFESO Management
Jay Herrington 904.731.3191 Field Supervisor
Heath Rauschenberger, PhD 904.731.3203 Deputy Field Supervisor
Operations Support and Communications
Chuck Underwood 904.731.3332

Supervisory Public Information Officer

Angelia Menchan 904.731.3077 Administrative Officer
Jerome Barksdale 904.731.3251 Senior Administrative Assistant
Jane Cooke 904.731.3201 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technician
VACANT 904.731.#### Administrative Assistant
Project Review & Consultation Section
Annie Dziergowski 904.731.3089 Project Consultation Supervisor
Tera Baird 904.731.3196 Project Consultation Biologist
Terri Calleson 904.731.3286 Project Consultation Biologist
N. Peninsular Gulf Coast
Erin Gawera 904.731.3121 Project Consultation Biologist
Inland/Coastal Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs)
Scott Calleson 904.731.3326 Project Consultation Biologist
East Coast
Peter Plage 904.731.3085 Project Consultation Biologist
Tampa Bay Area
Zakia Williams 904.731.3119

Project Consultation Biologist
FDOT - transportation projects area-wide

Tony Daly-Crews 904.731.3182 Project Consultation Biologist
Tina Nguyen 904.731.3098 Project Consultation Biologist


Project Consultation Biologist


Project Consultation Biologist
VACANT 904.731.#### Pathways Intern
Cooperative Conservation Section
Gian Basili, PhD 904.731.3079 Coastal Program Coordinator
Katie Conrad 904.731.3056 Coastal Program
Joseph Prenger 904.731.3096 Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program (PFW)
Farm Bill
Jo Anne Emanuel 904.731.3093 Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program (PFW)
Farm Bill
Lourdes Mena 904.731.3134 Cooperative Conservation
Recovery & Listing Section
Jim Valade 904.731.3116 Recovery and Listing Biologist
Regional Florida manatee Coordinator
Ann Marie Lauritsen 904.731.3032 Recovery and Listing Biologist
Regional Sea Turtle Coordinator [terristrial habitat]
Bill Brooks 904.731.3136 Recovery and Listing Biologist
Todd Mecklenborg 904.731.3029 Recovery and Listing Biologist
Other Co-located USFWS Employees & Contractors
Linda Walker 904.731.3316 HQ-NWR:Div. Chief, Visitor Services and Communications
Dave Hankla 904.731.3308 Contractor - Technical Support to FL State Supervisor

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Last updated: January 11, 2017